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Why is Bitcoin Good for 3rd World Countries?

Bitcoin is going to change the world and here are some of the ways it can help 3rd world countries thrive.
Published on
August 2, 2023
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Bitcoin has the potential to offer several benefits and opportunities for people in third-world countries, also referred to as developing countries. Here are some ways in which Bitcoin can help:

  • Financial Inclusion: In many developing countries, a significant portion of the population lacks access to traditional banking services. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can provide an alternative means of financial inclusion, allowing individuals without access to traditional banks to participate in the global economy. All they need is a smartphone or computer with an internet connection to access and use Bitcoin.
  • Remittances: Many people from developing countries work abroad and send money back to their families. Traditional remittance services can be costly and slow. Bitcoin offers a faster and potentially cheaper way to transfer funds internationally, enabling faster cross-border transactions.
  • Protection Against Inflation: In some countries, inflation can be high, eroding the value of the local currency. Bitcoin's limited supply and decentralized nature can offer a store of value and a hedge against inflation for individuals in countries with unstable or depreciating fiat currencies.
  • Access to Investments: Investing in traditional financial markets might be challenging or restricted for people in certain developing countries. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies provide an opportunity for individuals to invest and access a new asset class with global market exposure.
  • Decentralized Financial Services: Bitcoin's underlying technology, blockchain, enables the development of decentralized financial services (DeFi). DeFi platforms can provide various financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and earning interest, without the need for intermediaries like banks. This can empower individuals in regions with limited banking infrastructure.
  • Entrepreneurship and E-commerce: Bitcoin can facilitate cross-border e-commerce for businesses in developing countries, as it enables faster and cheaper international payments. Additionally, entrepreneurs and small businesses can accept Bitcoin payments, expanding their customer base to a global audience.

We already see numerous ways countries have started to adopt Bitcoin. For example,  El Salvador is using thermal heat from their volcanos to mine bitcoin and other countries like Argentina using their Hydro power plants to mine bitcoin. Bitcoin has a very bright future and so do the countries who ultimately adopt it as tender.

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